The Paperwork
You will be issued with an information pack containing the forms needed at the parent’s induction meeting. If you require another copy, please call into the office and we will be happy to provide new forms.
You will be issued with an information pack containing the forms needed at the parent’s induction meeting. If you require another copy, please call into the office and we will be happy to provide new forms.
At Buildwas Academy we aim to make the transition from home to school a smooth and enjoyable experience for all children. We aim to provide a warm and caring atmosphere in order that they may develop social and intellectual skills with confidence.
At Buildwas Academy we aim to make the transition from home to school a smooth and enjoyable experience for all children. We aim to provide a warm and caring atmosphere in order that they may develop social and intellectual skills with confidence. We are committed to providing a framework, which enables and enhances purposeful learning through the Foundation Stage Curriculum, giving depth, breadth, balance and progression towards the Early Learning Goals. Shropshire Council is responsible for the admission policy and procedures for the school.
At Buildwas, we invite parents into school to meet the Head of School and Early Years Lead. This meeting will give parents the opportunity to give staff information about their children and for them to have an outline of the Early Years Curriculum. The children are invited to spend some time in class during the term prior to entry. We also have a policy for assessment in the Early Years. This policy includes a Base Line Assessment, which is completed at the end of the children’s first six weeks in school. The aim of this assessment is to record the teacher’s observations of the skills and attitudes of the children on entry into school. These assessments will also inform teachers and parents of appropriate targets to set the children to ensure progress in Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Language and Literacy, and also Mathematics.
We operate a Breakfast Club daily from 7.45am to the start of school and our After School Clubs operate daily between 3.15pm and 5:30pm. Further details are available on the website or from the school office.
The academy promotes a healthy eating policy. A hot meal is available each day and usually includes fresh fruit and salads. There is always a vegetarian option on the menu and sandwiches. Water is freely available on the tables. Dinners cost £2.45 each. Dinner money should be paid in advance, online via the My Child at School portal. Parents of children entitled to free school meals may collect an application form from the office. All applications are treated in strictest confidence. For more information please see our school meals page.
Children may bring a packed lunch from home. We ask parents to follow guidelines regarding healthy eating. We actively discourage the addition of chocolate, sweets and squash with packed lunches. Drinks must be in an unbreakable, leak proof container. Children must NOT bring drinks in any glass container, glass thermos flasks or push-on top plastic container, as these have caused problems with breakage and spillage causing damage to furniture and floors. Children are asked to bring their own cutlery should they need any to eat items of their packed lunch. Lunch boxes should be labelled with the child’s name.
Free fruit is available daily to all children in KS1. Chocolate, sweets and other snacks are not allowed in school and we ask that parents do not send in cakes and sweets as birthday or holiday treats. Water is freely available throughout the day from the mains water coolers and children are encouraged to bring water bottles in to school to enable them to drink throughout the day.
The academy has no facilities for the care of sick children. Should your child be taken ill, you will be requested to collect them from school. Children who have been absent from school due to a sickness bug must remain at home for at least 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. Should a child have an accident at school then a parent will be contacted and medical help sought if necessary. The school has multiple qualified First Aiders: – Children who feel unwell should not be sent to school. It would be helpful if parents could notify the school of any infectious illnesses, whooping cough, measles etc. This is because school has to notify Shropshire Health Authority of infectious illnesses. Should a parent require a child to remain indoors during school break-times for health reasons, then a request should be made in writing or by telephoning the school to inform the class teacher.
Medicines, including cough sweets, must not be brought into school by children. Should your child require medication prescribed by a doctor, then it should be brought to the school office by a parent, who is required to sign a permission slip for the school to administer the drug, with the understanding that the medicines are ultimately the responsibility of the parents. NO OVER THE COUNTER MEDICINES WILL BE ADMINISTERED TO CHILDREN. Sun block may be brought into school during the summer providing it is clearly marked with the child’s name. It must be handed to the class teacher, who will keep it in a safe place. Staff are not allowed to apply the cream but the child may apply the cream themselves at lunchtime and must not allow others to use it. Alternatively, arrangements can be made for a parent to return to school to apply the cream. Only sun block on prescription will be administered by the school.
Please see our page on Uniform.