Details of our breakfast and after school clubs.
Breakfast and After School Club
Session | Time | Cost |
Session | 07:45-8:40 | £4.00 |
After School Club
Session | Time | Cost |
Session | 3:15-4:30 | £4.00 |
Our After School Club is run by Mrs Jefimik, who also runs our Breakfast Club.
Mrs Jefimik keeps the children safe and entertained with arts and crafts activities, music, IT, time to complete homework, spellings and reading whilst also providing opportunities for children to take part in sports.
Please make sure the children have appropriate outer wear for all weathers.
Further information
How to book:
Breakfast Club and After School Club can be booked via MCAS. You can also book a standard After School Club slot via MCAS, ideally before 2pm on the day required. Breakfast Club bookings must be done by 6.30am on the day required.
We are very proud of our flexible wrap around provision, which allows parents to amend bookings on the day to support our busy school community.
After School clubs provided by outside agencies are also booked through MCAS. We will write to all of our parents, with an updated timetable and a booking time.
Children absent from a booked session will be charged. Refunds are not given for missed or cancelled sessions. This includes all absences, holidays and sickness.
Drop Off:
Children must not be left at Breakfast Club before 7:45am. Parents must sign children in on the register. This is a health and safety requirement.
Please collect your child on time from After School Club. An extra charge will be added for children collected late. YOU MUST SIGN YOUR CHILD OUT ON COLLECTION. This is a health and safety requirement.
If you are sending a new person to collect your child, you must ensure they have the child’s collection password. Children will not be handed over if the collection password is unknown.