School Uniform

At Buildwas, our school colours are royal blue and grey. Please see our Uniform Policy

Our uniform supplier is:

Baker and Son


Baker and Son Schoolwear
29 New street

Monday – Saturday 9am – 5pm



01952 641897

Second hand uniform is available from the School Office. Donations welcome.

Other items may be purchased from most chain stores in Telford/Shrewsbury area:

  • Grey trousers, Grey shorts, Grey skirts and pinafores
  • White shirts and blouses
  • Blue and white summer dresses (either checked or striped)
  • Children are expected to wear appropriate footwear at all times.
  • Black school shoes are preferred: trainers are not to be worn in place of shoes.

Please ensure that all garments are clearly named!

Physical Education Kit

It is important that children are appropriately dressed for physical education, games, movement and drama.  We suggest that each child bring a pump bag.

Indoor Kit

  • Blue shorts and a white t-shirt
  • Bare feet (pumps or trainers may be needed for particular indoor games)

Outdoor Kit

  • As above with blue or black track suit bottoms / leggings
  • Extra sweatshirt / jumper

For safety reasons, children are not allowed to take part in P.E. activities in their normal everyday clothing.  All physical education kits should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and taken home regularly to be laundered.

Painting Overalls

From our experience, we know that an ideal painting overall is an old adult shirt with the sleeves shortened and elasticated, which the child should wear back to front.  Each child should have his/her own overall, which should be kept in their pump bag.

Indoor Shoes

In order to protect the floors and floor coverings, children will be expected to bring and change into indoor shoes during inclement weather.


The wearing of jewellery in school is an obvious danger especially in P.E., movement and games.  We will not accept any liability for the loss of personal property and we therefore request that the children do not wear jewellery in school.  We strongly recommend on safety grounds that anyone with earrings must remove or cover them for P.E.