Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity

Equality of opportunity is at the heart of our values as an Academy. We are against all forms of discrimination – whether that be on grounds of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or age. We oppose all forms of intolerance towards any group, however manifested. We have zero tolerance of any form of discrimination or prejudice.

As a school we have worked with Telford and Wrekin Multi Diversity Team and our wonderful school community.


 http://www.telfordeducationservices.co.uk/multicultural-development-team-mdt,Telford and Wrekin MDT opens in new tab


Equality Objectives Statement

At Buildwas Academy, we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. These duties are

  • Eliminating discrimination
  • Fostering good relationships
  • Advancing equality of opportunity


We will not discriminate against, harass or victimise any pupil, prospective pupil, or other member of the school community because of their:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Pregnancy or maternity


Buildwas aims to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, with special emphasis on promoting equality, diversity and eradicating prejudicial incidents for pupils and staff. Our school is committed to not only eliminating discrimination, but also increasing understanding and appreciation for diversity.

Buildwas believes that a greater level of success from pupils and staff can be achieved by realising the uniqueness of individuals. Creating a prejudice-free environment where individuals feel confident and at ease is a commitment of the school. This environment will be achieved by:

  • Being respectful
  • Always treating all members of the school community fairly
  • Developing an understanding of diversity and the benefits it can have
  • Adopting an inclusive attitude
  • Adopting an inclusive curriculum that is accessible to all
  • Encouraging compassion and open-mindedness

Our School Objectives for Equality and Diversity:


The school has an Action Plan that sets out how Buildwas Academy will promote equality of opportunity for young people and adults in line with our Public Sector Equality Duty and the duties set out in the Equality Act 2010.

The Aims of this action plan are:

  • Foster good relationships across all characteristics by embedding equality and diversity within our school and curriculum.
  • Train staff and Local Academy Board members on how to deal with racism and discrimination.
  • Advance equality opportunity for all children. Preparing them for life in a diverse society.

Involvement and Consultation

Buildwas Academy has undertaken a range of activities to consult with pupils, staff and members of the wider community to identify issues and priorities for improvement. We use the following methods of communicating with our pupils about equality and diversity issues:

▪ RSE/PHSE and Citizenship

▪ RE

Survey Information is also gathered from a variety of sources:

▪ Medical registers

▪ SEN register

▪ School performance data

▪ School admissions data

▪ Data related to participation in extracurricular and residential visits

Consultation is ongoing to monitor the impact of our scheme and evaluate our actions to inform future planning.

To meet our equality duty, we must monitor aspects of school life to identify whether there is any adverse impact on children. The school monitors its provision in the following areas and pays regard to:

▪ The role of a school as a service provider – to meet the needs of the ‘customer’

▪ We aim to pay due regard to any parents who cannot read new communication from school including considering different fonts, font sizes/colours and paper colours

▪ Open evenings, and concerts – we ensure that there is access to all school activities for any pupil or adult

Buildwas Academy does not tolerate any form of prejudice-related incident. Whether direct or indirect, we treat discrimination against all members of our school with the utmost severity. When an incident is reported, through a thorough reporting procedure, our school is devoted to ensuring appropriate action is taken and a resolution is put into place which is both fair and firm.

At Buildwas, our pupils are taught to be:

  • Understanding of others
  • Celebratory of cultural diversity
  • Eager to reach their full potential
  • Inclusive
  • Aware of what constitutes discriminatory behaviour

The school employees will not:

  • Discriminate against any member of the school
  • Treat other members of the school unfairly

The school employee’s will:

  • Promote diversity equality
  • Encourage and adopt an inclusive attitude
  • Lead by example

Buildwas Academy does not discriminate against staff with regard to their:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marital or civil partner status
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex or sexual orientation

Equality of opportunity and non-discrimination extends to the treatment of all members of the school community. All staff members are obliged to act in accordance will the school’s various policies relating to equality.

We will guarantee that no redundancy is the result of direct or indirect prejudice. All disciplinary procedures or staffing decisions are non-prejudicial, whether they result in warnings, dismissal, or any other disciplinary action.

Prejudice is not tolerated at Buildwas and we are continuously working towards a more accepting and respectful environment for our school’s community.