Local Academy Committee

Local Academy Committee

The Local Academy Committee has powers, responsibilities and duties delegated by our Trust Board as set out in the Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation, in particular;

  • to carry forward and actively promote the Trust’s vision in ways that are appropriate to the school’s status, pupils, staff and community,
  • to implement policies, plans and actions to comply with statutory regulations, the Trust’s policies and procedures and the decisions of the Trustees,
  • to agree and recommend their school’s Targets and Performance Review to the Trust Board and monitor progress towards the approved targets
  • to report to the trust board on the overall performance of the school
  • to approve and monitor the School Development Plan to achieve the approved School Performance Targets.
  • To monitor local Safeguarding arrangements to ensure they are consistent with safeguarding policies and procedures.

Read more about the role HERE

Compliments, Comments and Concerns

The Local Academy Committee would like to hear from you if you:

  • Are happy with the service the school provides and would like to compliment the staff and its pupils;

  • Have any suggestions about how the school can improve the quality of its provision;

  • Have a complaint or concern. All complaints will be taken seriously and given full and proper consideration in accordance with the Complaints and Compliments Policy.

Please send your comments or concerns in writing for the attention of the chair of governors to the school office who will promptly forward onto the appropriate member of the governing board.

For resignations over the last 12 months, please see audited accounts.